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cyclin-dependent kinase 1

Plays a key role in the control of the eukaryotic cell cycle by modulating the centrosome cycle as well as mitotic onset; promotes G2-M transition, and regulates G1 progress and G1-S transition via association with multiple interphase cyclins. Required in higher cells for entry into S-phase and mitosis. Phosphorylates PARVA/actopaxin, APC, AMPH, APC, BARD1, Bcl-xL/BCL2L1, BRCA2, CALD1, CASP8, CDC7, CDC20, CDC25A, CDC25C, CC2D1A, CSNK2 proteins/CKII, FZR1/CDH1, CDK7, CEBPB, CHAMP1, DMD/dystrophin, EEF1 proteins/EF-1, EZH2, KIF11/EG5, EGFR, FANCG, FOS, GFAP, GOLGA2/GM130, GRASP1, UBE2A/hHR6A, HIST1H1 proteins/histone H1, HMGA1, HIVEP3/KRC, LMNA, LMNB, LMNC, LBR, LATS1, MAP1B, MAP4, MARCKS, MCM2, MCM4, MKLP1, MYB, NEFH, NFIC, NPC/nuclear pore complex, PITPNM1/NIR2, NPM1, NCL, NUCKS1, NPM1/numatrin, ORC1, PRKAR2A, EEF1E1/p18, EIF3F/p47, p53/TP53, NONO/p54NRB, PAPOLA, PLEC/plectin, RB1, UL40/R2, RAB4A, RAP1GAP, RCC1, RPS6KB1/S6K1, KHDRBS1/SAM68, ESPL1, SKI, BIRC5/survivin, STIP1, TEX14, beta-tubulins, MAPT/TAU, NEDD1, VIM/vimentin, TK1, FOXO1, RUNX1/AML1, SIRT2 and RUNX2. CDK1/CDC2-cyclin-B controls pronuclear union in interphase fertilized eggs. Essential for early stages of embryonic development. During G2 and early mitosis, CDC25A/B/C-mediated dephosphorylation activates CDK1/cyclin complexes which phosphorylate several substrates that trigger at least centrosome separation, Golgi dynamics, nuclear envelope breakdown and chromosome condensation. Once chromosomes are condensed and aligned at the metaphase plate, CDK1 activity is switched off by WEE1- and PKMYT1-mediated phosphorylation to allow sister chromatid separation, chromosome decondensation, reformation of the nuclear envelope and cytokinesis. Inactivated by PKR/EIF2AK2- and WEE1-mediated phosphorylation upon DNA damage to stop cell cycle and genome replication at the G2 checkpoint thus facilitating DNA repair. Reactivated after successful DNA repair through WIP1-dependent signaling leading to CDC25A/B/C-mediated dephosphorylation and restoring cell cycle progression. In proliferating cells, CDK1-mediated FOXO1 phosphorylation at the G2-M phase represses FOXO1 interaction with 14-3-3 proteins and thereby promotes FOXO1 nuclear accumulation and transcription factor activity, leading to cell death of postmitotic neurons. The phosphorylation of beta-tubulins regulates microtubule dynamics during mitosis. NEDD1 phosphorylation promotes PLK1-mediated NEDD1 phosphorylation and subsequent targeting of the gamma-tubulin ring complex (gTuRC) to the centrosome, an important step for spindle formation. In addition, CC2D1A phosphorylation regulates CC2D1A spindle pole localization and association with SCC1/RAD21 and centriole cohesion during mitosis. The phosphorylation of Bcl-xL/BCL2L1 after prolongated G2 arrest upon DNA damage triggers apoptosis. In contrast, CASP8 phosphorylation during mitosis prevents its activation by proteolysis and subsequent apoptosis. This phosphorylation occurs in cancer cell lines, as well as in primary breast tissues and lymphocytes. EZH2 phosphorylation promotes H3K27me3 maintenance and epigenetic gene silencing. CALD1 phosphorylation promotes Schwann cell migration during peripheral nerve regeneration.

Gene Name: cyclin-dependent kinase 1
Family/Subfamily: Protein Kinase , CDC2/CDK
Synonyms: CDK1, CDC28A, CDC2, CDKN1, Cyclin-dependent kinase 1, p34 protein kinase, p34CDC2, CDC2a, Cell cycle controller CDC2, Cell division protein kinase 1, PSTAIR
Target Sequences: NM_001786 NP_001777.1 P06493

Publications (5)

Distinct forms of human CDC2 identified by novel monoclonal antibodies. Luks J, Draetta G, Bartek J. European journal of biochemistry / FEBS. 1992 207:169-76. [PubMed:1628647] Related Antibodies: LS-C18772.
Proteolysis and tyrosine phosphorylation of p34cdc2/cyclin B. The role of MCM2 and initiation of DNA replication to allow tyrosine phosphorylation of p34cdc2. Ye XS, Fincher RR, Tang A, McNeal KK, Gygax SE, Wexler AN, Ryan KB, James SW, Osmani SA. The Journal of biological chemistry. 1997 272:33384-93. [PubMed:9407133] Related Antibodies: LS-C18772.
A link between MAP kinase and p34(cdc2)/cyclin B during oocyte maturation: p90(rsk) phosphorylates and inactivates the p34(cdc2) inhibitory kinase Myt1. Palmer A, Gavin AC, Nebreda AR. The EMBO journal. 1998 17:5037-47. [PubMed:9724639] [PMC:PMC1170831] Related Antibodies: LS-C18772.
Mitochondrial Function of CKS2 Oncoprotein Links Oxidative Phosphorylation with Cell Division in Chemoradioresistant Cervical Cancer. Jonsson M, Fjeldbo CS, Holm R, Stokke T, Kristensen GB, Lyng H. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.). 2019 April;21:353-362. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:30856376] [PMC:PMC6411633]
Histone deacetylase HDAC4 promotes the proliferation and invasion of glioma cells. Jun-Yan Cai, Tong-Tong Xu, Ye Wang, Jing-Jian Chang, Jian Li, Xiao-Yang Chen, Xi Chen, Yi-Fei Yin, Xue-Jun Ni. International journal of oncology. 2018 Dec;53:2758-2768. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:30272277]

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).