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CD45 / LCA

protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C

CD45 is a member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family. PTPs are known to be signaling molecules that regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, mitosis, and oncogenic transformation. This PTP contains an extracellular domain, a single transmembrane segment and two tandem intracytoplasmic catalytic domains, and thus is classified as a receptor type PTP. This PTP has been shown to be an essential regulator of T- and B-cell antigen receptor signaling. It functions through either direct interaction with components of the antigen receptor complexes, or by activating various Src family kinases required for the antigen receptor signaling. This PTP also suppresses JAK kinases, and thus functions as a regulator of cytokine receptor signaling. Alternatively spliced transcripts variants of this gene, which encode distinct isoforms, have been reported.

Gene Name: protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C
Family/Subfamily: Protein Phosphatase , R1/R6
Synonyms: PTPRC, B220, CD45R, CD45, gp180, Leukocyte common antigen, L-CA, Leucocyte common antigen, LY5, T200, T200 glycoprotein, T200 leukocyte common antigen, CD45 antigen, LCA
Target Sequences: NM_002838 NP_002829.3 P08575

Publications (12)

FoxP3+CD4+ regulatory T cells play an important role in acute HIV-1 infection in humanized Rag2-/-gammaC-/- mice in vivo. Jiang Q, Zhang L, Wang R, Jeffrey J, Washburn ML, Brouwer D, Barbour S, Kovalev GI, Unutmaz D, Su L. Blood. 2008 112:2858-68. [PubMed:18544681] [PMC:PMC2556621] Related Antibodies: LS-C40812.
Benign mesenchymal stromal cells in human sarcomas. Morozov A, Downey RJ, Healey J, Moreira AL, Lou E, Franceschino A, Dogan Y, Leung R, Edgar M, LaQuaglia M, Maki RG, Moore MA. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2010 16:5630-40. [PubMed:21138865] Related Antibodies: LS-C40812.
Altered Methylation Profile of Lymphocytes Is Concordant with Perturbation of Lipids Metabolism and Inflammatory Response in Obesity. Jacobsen MJ, Mentzel CM, Olesen AS, Huby T, Jørgensen CB, Barrès R, Fredholm M, Simar D. Journal of diabetes research. 2016 2016:8539057. (IP; Mouse) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:26798656] [PMC:PMC4698937] Related Antibodies: LS-C141313.
Substantial differences between human and ovine mesenchymal stem cells in response to osteogenic media: how to explain and how to manage?. Kalaszczynska I, Ruminski S, Platek AE, Bissenik I, Zakrzewski P, Noszczyk M, Lewandowska-Szumiel M. BioResearch Open Access. 2013 2:356-63. (IP, Flo; Mouse, Sheep) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:24083091] Related Antibodies: LS-C44436.
Biologic canine and human intervertebral disc repair by notochordal cell-derived matrix: from bench towards bedside. Bach FC, Tellegen AR, Beukers M, Miranda-Bedate A, Teunissen M, de Jong WAM, de Vries SAH, Creemers LB, Benz K, Meij BP, Ito K, Tryfonidou MA. Oncotarget. 2018 May;9:26507-26526. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:29899873] [PMC:PMC5995168] Related Antibodies: LS-C127720.
Characterization and Comparison of Canine Multipotent Stromal Cells Derived from Liver and Bone Marrow. Malagola E, Teunissen M, van der Laan LJ, Verstegen MM, Schotanus BA, van Steenbeek FG, Penning LC, van Wolferen ME, Tryfonidou MA, Spee B. Stem cells and development. 2016 January;25:139-150. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:26462417] [PMC:PMC4733325] Related Antibodies: LS-C127720.
Rotator cuff repair with biological graft augmentation causes adverse tissue outcomes. Mustafa S Rashid, Richard D J Smith, Navraj Nagra, Kim Wheway, Bridget Watkins, Sarah Snelling, Stephanie G Dakin, Andrew J Carr. Acta orthopaedica. 2020 July;1-7. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32691656] [PMC:PMC8023931] Related Antibodies: LS-C187484.
Pharmacological inhibition of P2RX7 ameliorates liver injury by reducing inflammation and fibrosis. Bernat Baeza-Raja, Andrew Goodyear, Xiao Liu, Kevin Lam, Lynn Yamamoto, Yingwu Li, G Steven Dodson, Toshi Takeuchi, Tatiana Kisseleva, David A Brenner, Karim Dabbagh. PloS one. 2020 June;15:e0234038. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32492075] [PMC:PMC7269334] Related Antibodies: LS-C340234.
Multispecificity of immunoglobulin M antibodies raised against advanced glycation end products: involvement of electronegative potential of antigens. Miho Chikazawa, Natsuki Otaki, Takahiro Shibata, Hiroaki Miyashita, Yoshichika Kawai, Shoichi Maruyama, Shinya Toyokuni, Yasuyuki Kitaura, Tsukasa Matsuda, Koji Uchida. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 May;288:13204-14. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:23543734] [PMC:PMC3650360] Related Antibodies: LS-C662906.
Novel Engraftment and T Cell Differentiation of Human Hematopoietic Cells in ART-/-IL2RG-/Y SCID Pigs. Adeline N Boettcher, Yunsheng Li, Amanda P Ahrens, Matti Kiupel, Kristen A Byrne, Crystal L Loving, A Giselle Cino-Ozuna, Jayne E Wiarda, Malavika Adur, Blythe Schultz, Jack J Swanson, Elizabeth M Snella, Chak-Sum Sam Ho, Sara E Charley, Zoe E Kiefer, Joan E Cunnick, Ellie J Putz, Giuseppe Dell'Anna, Jackie Jens, Swanand Sathe, Frederick Goldman, Erik R Westin, Jack C M Dekkers, Jason W Ross, Christopher K Tuggle. Frontiers in immunology. 2020 Feb;11:100. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32117254] [PMC:PMC7017803] Related Antibodies: LS-C127705.
Histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation of cellular response to a woven and electrospun polydioxanone (PDO) and polycaprolactone (PCL) patch for tendon repair. Mustafa Rashid, Jayesh Dudhia, Stephanie G Dakin, Sarah J B Snelling, Roberta De Godoy, Pierre-Alexis Mouthuy, Roger K W Smith, Mark Morrey, Andrew J Carr. Scientific reports. 2020 Mar;10:4754. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32179829] [PMC:PMC7076042] Related Antibodies: LS-C187484.
Integrative analysis of cell state changes in lung fibrosis with peripheral protein biomarkers10<sup> Center for Comprehensive Developmental Care (CDeCLMU), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU), CPC-M bioArchive, Munich, Germany12<sup> Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Christoph H Mayr, Lukas M Simon, Gabriela Leuschner , Meshal Ansari , Janine Schniering , Philipp E Geyer, Ilias Angelidis, Maximilian Strunz, Pawandeep Singh, Nikolaus Kneidinger, Frank Reichenberger, Edith Silbernagel, Stephan Böhm, Heiko Adler, Michael Lindner , Britta Maurer, Anne Hilgendorff, Antje Prasse, Jürgen Behr , Matthias Mann, Oliver Eickelberg, Fabian J Theis, Herbert B Schiller. EMBO molecular medicine. 2021 Apr;13:e12871. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:33650774] [PMC:PMC8033531] Related Antibodies: LS-B14248.

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).