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transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8

Receptor-activated non-selective cation channel involved in detection of sensations such as coolness, by being activated by cold temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. Activated by icilin, eucalyptol, menthol, cold and modulation of intracellular pH. Involved in menthol sensation. Permeable for monovalent cations sodium, potassium, and cesium and divalent cation calcium. Temperature sensing is tightly linked to voltage-dependent gating. Activated upon depolarization, changes in temperature resulting in graded shifts of its voltage-dependent activation curves. The chemical agonist menthol functions as a gating modifier, shifting activation curves towards physiological membrane potentials. Temperature sensitivity arises from a tenfold difference in the activation energies associated with voltage-dependent opening and closing. In prostate cancer cells, shows strong inward rectification and high calcium selectivity in contrast to its behavior in normal cells which is characterized by outward rectification and poor cationic selectivity. Isoform 2 and isoform 3 negatively regulate menthol- and cold-induced channel activity by stabilizing the closed state of the channel.

Gene Name: transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8
Family/Subfamily: Ion Channel , Calcium channel - TRP
Synonyms: TRPM8, CMR1, Cold-menthol receptor type 1, LTrpC-6, TRPP8, Trp-p8, LTRPC6
Target Sequences: NM_024080 NP_076985.4 Q7Z2W7

Publications (4)

Characterization of the decision network for wing expansion in Drosophila using targeted expression of the TRPM8 channel. Peabody NC, Pohl JB, Diao F, Vreede AP, Sandstrom DJ, Wang H, Zelensky PK, White BH. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2009 29:3343-53. [PubMed:19295141] [PMC:PMC2717795]
Activation of the cold-sensing TRPM8 channel triggers UCP1-dependent thermogenesis and prevents obesity. Ma S, Yu H, Zhao Z, Luo Z, Chen J, Ni Y, Jin R, Ma L, Wang P, Zhu Z, Li L, Zhong J, Liu D, Nilius B, Zhu Z. Journal of molecular cell biology. 2012 4:88-96. [PubMed:22241835]
Importance of a conserved sequence motif in transmembrane segment S3 for the gating of human TRPM8 and TRPM2. Winking M, Hoffmann DC, Khn C, Hilgers RD, Lckhoff A, Khn FJ. PloS one. 2012 7:e49877. [PubMed:23185472] [PMC:PMC3503820] Related Antibodies: LS-C160235.
Aberrantly Over-Expressed TRPM8 Channels in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Correlation with Tumor Size/Stage and Requirement for Cancer Cells Invasion. Yee NS, Li Q, Kazi AA, Yang Z, Berg A, Yee RK. Cells. 2014 3:500-16. (WB; Crocodile) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:24861976] [PMC:PMC4092867]

☰ Filters
Proteins (2)
Over-Expression Lysate (2)
TRPM8 (2)
No (2)
Myc-DDK (Flag) (2)
Human (1)
293T Cells (1)
HEK 293 Cells (1)
TRPM8 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
293T Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
127.5 kDa
20 µg/$215
TRPM8 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
127.5 kDa
100 µg/$710
Viewing 1-2 of 2 product results

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Products: Proteins

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).