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SYP / Synaptophysin


Synaptophysin (Syn1) is an abundant synaptic vesicle membrane protein that contains four transmembrane regions. It forms a high molecular weight complex in the vesicle membrane containing at least four Syn I subunits and an 18 kD protein termed synaptobrevin/VAMP. Syn I is phosphorylated by both serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases on its cytoplasmic tail. Knockout studies in mice have shown that it is not essential for neurotransmitter release.

Gene Name: synaptophysin
Synonyms: SYP, MRX, Synaptophysin, MRXSYP
Target Sequences: X06389 CAA29686.1 P08247

Publications (9)

Therapeutically targeting cyclin D1 in primary tumors arising from loss of Ini1. Smith ME, Cimica V, Chinni S, Jana S, Koba W, Yang Z, Fine E, Zagzag D, Montagna C, Kalpana GV. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 108:319-24. (IHC) [PubMed:21173237] [PMC:PMC3017186]
Transplantation of hUC-MSCs seeded collagen scaffolds reduces scar formation and promotes functional recovery in canines with chronic spinal cord injury. Li X, Tan J, Xiao Z, Zhao Y, Han S, Liu D, Yin W, Li J, Li J, Wanggou S, Chen B, Ren C, Jiang X, Dai J. Scientific reports. 2017 7:43559. (WB; Human) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:28262732] [PMC:PMC5337930] Related Antibodies: LS-C174790.
Behavioral alterations are associated with vitamin B12 deficiency in the transcobalamin receptor/CD320 KO mouse. Arora K, Sequeira JM, Hernández AI, Alarcon JM, Quadros EV. PloS one. 2017 12:e0177156. (WB; Human) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:28545069] [PMC:PMC5436650] Related Antibodies: LS-C203763.
Hypertension-induced synapse loss and impairment in synaptic plasticity in the mouse hippocampus mimics the aging phenotype: implications for the pathogenesis of vascular cognitive impairment. Tucsek Z, Noa Valcarcel-Ares M, Tarantini S, Yabluchanskiy A, Fülöp G, Gautam T, Orock A, Csiszar A, Deak F, Ungvari Z. GeroScience. 2017 (ICC, WB; Human, Rat) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:28664509] [PMC:PMC5636782]
SIX2 Regulates Human ß Cell Differentiation from Stem Cells and Functional Maturation In Vitro. Leonardo Velazco-Cruz, Madeleine M Goedegebuure, Kristina G Maxwell, Punn Augsornworawat, Nathaniel J Hogrebe, Jeffrey R Millman. Cell reports. 2020 May;31:107687. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32460030] [PMC:PMC7304247] Related Antibodies: LS-C174787.
Noradrenergic fibers are associated with beta-cell dedifferentiation and impaired beta-cell function in humans. F Cinti, T Mezza, I Severi, M Suleiman, C M A Cefalo, G P Sorice, S Moffa, F Impronta, G Quero, S Alfieri, A Mari, A Pontecorvi, L Marselli, S Cinti, P Marchetti, A Giaccari. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. 2021 January;114:154414. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:33129839] Related Antibodies: LS-C174787.
pHERV-W envelope protein fuels microglial cell-dependent damage of myelinated axons in multiple sclerosis. David Kremer, Joel Gruchot, Vivien Weyers, Lisa Oldemeier, Peter Göttle, Luke Healy, Jeong Ho Jang, Yu Kang T Xu, Christina Volsko, Ranjan Dutta, Bruce D Trapp, Hervé Perron, Hans-Peter Hartung, Patrick Küry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 Jul;116:15216-15225. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:31213545] [PMC:PMC6660731]
Functional Hydrogel Co-Remolding Migration and Differentiation Microenvironment for Severe Spinal Cord Injury Repair. Dingyang Liu, He Shen, Kai Zhang, Yeyu Shen, Runlin Wen, Xinghui He, Ge Long, Xing Li. Advanced healthcare materials. 2024 January;13:e2301662. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:37937326] Related Antibodies: LS-C174790.
Delayed dosing of minocycline plus N-acetylcysteine reduces neurodegeneration in distal brain regions and restores spatial memory after experimental traumatic brain injury. Kristen Whitney, Elena Nikulina, Syed N Rahman, Alisia Alexis, Peter J Bergold. Experimental neurology. 2021 November;345:113816. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:34310944] [PMC:PMC8978146] Related Antibodies: LS-C203763.

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).