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protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic polypeptide

Serine/threonine-protein kinase that acts as a molecular sensor for DNA damage. Involved in DNA non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) required for double-strand break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination. Must be bound to DNA to express its catalytic properties. Promotes processing of hairpin DNA structures in V(D)J recombination by activation of the hairpin endonuclease artemis (DCLRE1C). The assembly of the DNA-PK complex at DNA ends is also required for the NHEJ ligation step. Required to protect and align broken ends of DNA. May also act as a scaffold protein to aid the localization of DNA repair proteins to the site of damage. Found at the ends of chromosomes, suggesting a further role in the maintenance of telomeric stability and the prevention of chromosomal end fusion. Also involved in modulation of transcription. Recognizes the substrate consensus sequence [ST]-Q. Phosphorylates 'Ser-139' of histone variant H2AX/H2AFX, thereby regulating DNA damage response mechanism. Phosphorylates DCLRE1C, c-Abl/ABL1, histone H1, HSPCA, c-jun/JUN, p53/TP53, PARP1, POU2F1, DHX9, SRF, XRCC1, XRCC1, XRCC4, XRCC5, XRCC6, WRN, MYC and RFA2. Can phosphorylate C1D not only in the presence of linear DNA but also in the presence of supercoiled DNA. Ability to phosphorylate p53/TP53 in the presence of supercoiled DNA is dependent on C1D. Contributes to the determination of the circadian period length by antagonizing phosphorylation of CRY1 'Ser-588' and increasing CRY1 protein stability, most likely through an indirect machanism. Interacts with CRY1 and CRY2; negatively regulates CRY1 phosphorylation.

Gene Name: protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic polypeptide
Family/Subfamily: Protein Kinase , PI3/PI4
Synonyms: PRKDC, DNA-PK, DNAPK, DNPK1, HYRC, HYRC1, p350, Scid, XRCC7, DNA-PK catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs, p460, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
Target Sequences: NM_006904 NP_008835.5 P78527

Publications (1)

Positive Feedback Regulation of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase 1 and the DNA-PK Catalytic Subunit Affects the Sensitivity of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma to Etoposide. Lingyu Zhang, Yingting Zhuang, Guihui Tu, Ding Li, Yingjuan Fan, Shengnan Ye, Jianhua Xu, Ming Zheng, Ying Wu, Lixian Wu. ACS Omega. 2022 January;7:2571-2582. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:35097256] [PMC:PMC8793086]

☰ Filters
Proteins (3)
Recombinant (3)
PRKDC / DNA-PKcs (3)
No (3)
GST, N-terminus (1)
His (1)
His-T7 (1)
Human (1)
Mouse (2)
E. coli (2)
Wheat Germ Extract (1)
PRKDC / DNA-PKcs Protein - Recombinant Protein Kinase, DNA Activated, Catalytic Polypeptide By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
29.7 kDa
10 µg/$275; 50 µg/$402; 100 µg/$642; 200 µg/$802; 1 mg/$1,876; 500 µg/$1,430; 5 mg/$2,838; 2 mg/$2,060
E. coli
34.7 kD
1 mg/$1,679; 100 µg/$500; 20 µg/$364
PRKDC / DNA-PKcs Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
Viewing 1-3 of 3 product results

Filtered By:
Products: Proteins

If you do not find the reagent or information you require, please contact to inquire about additional products in development.


For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).