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PLG / Plasmin / Plasminogen


Plasmin dissolves the fibrin of blood clots and acts as a proteolytic factor in a variety of other processes including embryonic development, tissue remodeling, tumor invasion, and inflammation. In ovulation, weakens the walls of the Graafian follicle. It activates the urokinase-type plasminogen activator, collagenases and several complement zymogens, such as C1 and C5. Cleavage of fibronectin and laminin leads to cell detachment and apoptosis. Also cleaves fibrin, thrombospondin and von Willebrand factor. Its role in tissue remodeling and tumor invasion may be modulated by CSPG4. Binds to cells.

Gene Name: plasminogen
Family/Subfamily: Protease , Serine S1
Synonyms: PLG, Plasmin, Plasminogen
Target Sequences: NM_000301 NP_000292.1 P00747

Publications (5)

Borrelia burgdorferi infection-associated surface proteins ErpP, ErpA, and ErpC bind human plasminogen. Brissette CA, Haupt K, Barthel D, Cooley AE, Bowman A, Skerka C, Wallich R, Zipfel PF, Kraiczy P, Stevenson B. Infection and immunity. 2009 77:300-6. [PubMed:19001079] [PMC:PMC2612283]
Roles for phagocytic cells and complement in controlling relapsing fever infection. Woodman ME, Cooley AE, Avdiushko R, Bowman A, Botto M, Wooten RM, van Rooijen N, Cohen DA, Stevenson B. Journal of leukocyte biology. 2009 86:727-36. [PubMed:19458267]
Functional characterization of Borrelia spielmanii outer surface proteins that interact with distinct members of the human factor H protein family and with plasminogen. Seling A, Siegel C, Fingerle V, Jutras BL, Brissette CA, Skerka C, Wallich R, Zipfel PF, Stevenson B, Kraiczy P. Infection and immunity. 2010 78:39-48. (ELISA; Human) [PubMed:19858303] [PMC:PMC2798189]
Leptospiral endostatin-like protein A is a bacterial cell surface receptor for human plasminogen. Verma A, Brissette CA, Bowman AA, Shah ST, Zipfel PF, Stevenson B. Infection and immunity. 2010 78:2053-9. (ELISA; Human) [PubMed:20160016] [PMC:PMC2863546]
Borrelia burgdorferi enolase is a surface-exposed plasminogen binding protein. Floden AM, Watt JA, Brissette CA. PloS one. 2011 6:e27502. [PubMed:22087329] [PMC:PMC3210797]

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).