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neuronal differentiation 1

Acts as a transcriptional activator: mediates transcriptional activation by binding to E box-containing promoter consensus core sequences 5'-CANNTG-3'. Associates with the p300/CBP transcription coactivator complex to stimulate transcription of the secretin gene as well as the gene encoding the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor CDKN1A. Contributes to the regulation of several cell differentiation pathways, like those that promote the formation of early retinal ganglion cells, inner ear sensory neurons, granule cells forming either the cerebellum or the dentate gyrus cell layer of the hippocampus, endocrine islet cells of the pancreas and enteroendocrine cells of the small intestine. Together with PAX6 or SIX3, is required for the regulation of amacrine cell fate specification. Also required for dendrite morphogenesis and maintenance in the cerebellar cortex. Associates with chromatin to enhancer regulatory elements in genes encoding key transcriptional regulators of neurogenesis.

Gene Name: neuronal differentiation 1
Synonyms: NEUROD1, Beta2, BHF-1, NEUROD, Neurogenic differentiation 1, MODY6, NIDDM, BHLHa3, Neuronal differentiation 1
Target Sequences: NM_002500 NP_002491.2 Q13562

Publications (2)

Sonic hedgehog (Shh)/Gli modulates the spatial organization of neuroepithelial cell proliferation in the developing chick optic tectum. Rapacioli M, Botelho J, Cerda G, Duarte S, Elliot M, Palma V, Flores V. BMC neuroscience. 2012 13:117. (IHC, WB; Human) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:23031710] [PMC:PMC3564940]
Temporal-spatial correlation between angiogenesis and corticogenesis in the developing chick optic tectum. Alejandra Rodriguez Celin, Melina Rapacioli, Mariela Azul Gonzalez, Virginia Laura Ballarin, Sara Fiszer de Plazas, Juan José López-Costa, Vladimir Flores. PloS one. 2015 January;10:e0116343. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:25633659] [PMC:PMC4310613]

☰ Filters
Proteins (7)
Over-Expression Lysate (3)
Recombinant (4)
No (7)
6His, N-terminus (1)
GST (1)
GST, N-terminus (1)
His, N-Terminal (1)
Myc-DDK (Flag) (3)
Human (6)
293T Cells (1)
E. coli (1)
HEK 293 Cells (3)
Wheat Germ Extract (2)
Purified (2)
NEUROD1 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
NEUROD1 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
39.7 kDa
100 µg/$494
293T Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
39.7 kDa
20 µg/$150
NEUROD1 Protein - Purified recombinant protein NEUROD1 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel and Coomassie Blue Staining
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
39.7 kDa
20 µg/$1,107
NEUROD1 Protein
E. coli
6His, N-terminus
37 kDa
10 µg/$265; 100 µg/$365; 50 µg/$315
HEK 293 Cells
His, N-Terminal
~40 kDa
100 µg/$298
NEUROD1 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human NEUROD1 stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
66.3 kDa
2 µg/$439
Viewing 1-7 of 7 product results

Filtered By:
Products: Proteins

If you do not find the reagent or information you require, please contact to inquire about additional products in development.


For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).