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GLI family zinc finger 1

Acts as a transcriptional activator. May regulate the transcription of specific genes during normal development. May play a role in craniofacial development and digital development, as well as development of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Mediates SHH signaling and thus cell proliferation and differentiation.

Gene Name: GLI family zinc finger 1
Synonyms: GLI1, Gli-1, GLI family zinc finger 1, Glioma-associated oncogene, Glioma-associated oncogene 1, Oncogene GLI, GLI, Zinc finger protein GLI1
Target Sequences: NM_005269 NP_005260.1 P08151

Publications (6)

Indian hedgehog and beta-catenin signaling: role in the sebaceous lineage of normal and neoplastic mammalian epidermis. Niemann C, Unden AB, Lyle S, Zouboulis ChC, Toftgrd R, Watt FM. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003 11873-80. [PubMed:12917489] [PMC:PMC304101]
Hedgehog signalling in colorectal tumour cells: induction of apoptosis with cyclopamine treatment. Qualtrough D, Buda A, Gaffield W, Williams AC, Paraskeva C. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer. 2004 110:831-7. [PubMed:15170664]
Hedgehog signaling drives cellular survival in human colon carcinoma cells. Mazumdar T, DeVecchio J, Shi T, Jones J, Agyeman A, Houghton JA. Cancer research. 2011 71:1092-102. (WB; Human) [PubMed:21135115] [PMC:PMC3032813]
Expression of hedgehog pathway components in prostate carcinoma microenvironment: shifting the balance towards autocrine signalling. Tzelepi V, Karlou M, Wen S, Hoang A, Logothetis C, Troncoso P, Efstathiou E. Histopathology. 2011 58:1037-47. (IHC; Human) [PubMed:21707705]
Blocking Hedgehog survival signaling at the level of the GLI genes induces DNA damage and extensive cell death in human colon carcinoma cells. Mazumdar T, Devecchio J, Agyeman A, Shi T, Houghton JA. Cancer research. 2011 71:5904-14. [PubMed:21747117] [PMC:PMC3165104]
Hedgehog signaling inhibition by the small molecule smoothened inhibitor GDC-0449 in the bone forming prostate cancer xenograft MDA PCa 118b. Karlou M, Lu JF, Wu G, Maity S, Tzelepi V, Navone NM, Hoang A, Logothetis CJ, Efstathiou E. The Prostate. 2012 72:1638-47. (IHC; Human) [PubMed:22457212]

☰ Filters
Proteins (8)
Over-Expression Lysate (2)
Recombinant (6)
GLI / GLI1 (8)
No (8)
6His, N-terminus (1)
GST, N-terminus (2)
His (1)
His-T7 (1)
Myc-DDK (Flag) (3)
Human (6)
Rat (1)
293T Cells (1)
E. coli (3)
HEK 293 Cells (2)
Wheat Germ Extract (2)
Low endotoxin level (1)
GLI / GLI1 Protein
E. coli
6His, N-terminus
23.3 kD
1 mg/$1,355; 100 µg/$420; 20 µg/$323
GLI / GLI1 Protein - Purified recombinant protein GLI1 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel and Coomassie Blue Staining
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
117.7 kDa
20 µg/$1,107
GLI / GLI1 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
117.7 kDa
100 µg/$494
GLI / GLI1 Protein - Recombinant  GLI Family Zinc Finger Protein 1 By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
35.0 kDa
10 µg/$286; 50 µg/$472; 100 µg/$752; 200 µg/$942; 1 mg/$2,069; 500 µg/$1,600; 5 mg/$3,291; 2 mg/$2,257
GLI / GLI1 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
GLI / GLI1 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
293T Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
117.7 kDa
20 µg/$150
E. coli
115 AA
Less than 0.1 EU/µg protein (determined by LAL method).
12.76 kDa
10 mg/$4,268; 5 mg/$3,201; 1 mg/$1,868; 0.5 mg/$1,475; 200 µg/$1,103; 100 µg/$756; 50 µg/$531
Viewing 1-8 of 8 product results

Filtered By:
Products: Proteins

If you do not find the reagent or information you require, please contact to inquire about additional products in development.


For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).