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DAPK3 / ZIP Kinase

death-associated protein kinase 3

Serine/threonine kinase which is involved in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, transcription, translation and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. Involved in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Regulates both type I (caspase-dependent) apoptotic and type II (caspase-independent) autophagic cell deaths signal, depending on the cellular setting. Involved in regulation of starvation-induced autophagy. Regulates myosin phosphorylation in both smooth muscle and non-muscle cells. In smooth muscle, regulates myosin either directly by phosphorylating MYL12B and MYL9 or through inhibition of smooth muscle myosin phosphatase (SMPP1M) via phosphorylation of PPP1R12A; the inhibition of SMPP1M functions to enhance muscle responsiveness to Ca2+ and promote a contractile state. Phosphorylates MYL12B in non-muscle cells leading to reorganization of actin cytoskeleton. Isoform 2 can phosphorylate myosin, PPP1R12A and MYL12B. Overexpression leads to condensation of actin stress fibers into thick bundles. Involved in actin filament focal adhesion dynamics. The function in both reorganization of actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion dissolution is modulated by RhoD. Positively regulates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling through interaction with NLK and TCF7L2. Phosphorylates RPL13A on 'Ser-77' upon interferon-gamma activation which is causing RPL13A release from the ribosome, RPL13A association with the GAIT complex and its subsequent involvement in transcript-selective translation inhibition. Enhances transcription from AR-responsive promoters in a hormone- and kinase-dependent manner. Involved in regulation of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. May be a tumor suppressor.

Gene Name: death-associated protein kinase 3
Family/Subfamily: Protein Kinase , DAPK
Synonyms: DAPK3, DAP-like kinase, Dlk, MYPT1 kinase, ZIP kinase isoform, ZIP, DAP kinase 3, ZIP Kinase, ZIP-kinase, ZIPK
Target Sequences: NM_001348 NP_001339.1 O43293

Publications (1)

In vivo phosphoproteomics reveals kinase activity profiles that predict treatment outcome in triple-negative breast cancer. Zagorac I, Fernandez-Gaitero S, Penning R, Post H, Bueno MJ, Mouron S, Manso L, Morente MM, Alonso S, Serra V, Muñoz J, Gómez-López G, Lopez-Acosta JF, Jimenez-Renard V, Gris-Oliver A, Al-Shahrour F, Piñeiro-Yañez E, Montoya-Suarez JL, Apala JV, Moreno-Torres A, Colomer R, Dopazo A, Heck AJR, Altelaar M, Quintela-Fandino M. Nature communications. 2018 August;9:3501. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:30158526] [PMC:PMC6115463] Related Antibodies: LS-B557.

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).