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CYCS / Cytochrome c

cytochrome c, somatic

Electron carrier protein. The oxidized form of the cytochrome c heme group can accept an electron from the heme group of the cytochrome c1 subunit of cytochrome reductase. Cytochrome c then transfers this electron to the cytochrome oxidase complex, the final protein carrier in the mitochondrial electron-transport chain.Plays a role in apoptosis. Suppression of the anti-apoptotic members or activation of the pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family leads to altered mitochondrial membrane permeability resulting in release of cytochrome c into the cytosol. Binding of cytochrome c to Apaf-1 triggers the activation of caspase-9, which then accelerates apoptosis by activating other caspases.

Gene Name: cytochrome c, somatic
Synonyms: CYCS, CYC, HCS, THC4, Cytochrome c, Cytochrome c, somatic
Target Sequences: NM_018947 NP_061820.1 P99999

Publications (3)

Molecular characterization of skeletal muscle atrophy in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease. She P, Zhang Z, Marchionini D, Diaz WC, Jetton TJ, Kimball SR, Vary TC, Lang CH, Lynch CJ. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2011 301:E49-61. [PubMed:21505144] [PMC:PMC3129844] Related Antibodies: LS-C41042.
Adenovirus type 5 rupture of lysosomes leads to cathepsin B-dependent mitochondrial stress and production of reactive oxygen species. McGuire KA, Barlan AU, Griffin TM, Wiethoff CM. Journal of virology. 2011 85:10806-13. [PubMed:21835790] [PMC:PMC3187480] Related Antibodies: LS-C41042.
Functionally heterogeneous human satellite cells identified by single cell RNA sequencing. Emilie Barruet , Steven M Garcia , Katharine Striedinger, Jake Wu, Solomon Lee, Lauren Byrnes, Alvin Wong, Sun Xuefeng, Stanley Tamaki, Andrew S Brack, Jason H Pomerantz. eLife. 2020 Apr;9:e51576. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:32234209] [PMC:PMC7164960]

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).