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carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 14

Catalyzes the transfer of sulfate to position 4 of the N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) residue of dermatan sulfate. Plays a pivotal role in the formation of 4-0-sulfated IdoA blocks in dermatan sulfate. Transfers sulfate to the C-4 hydroxyl of beta1,4-linked GalNAc that is substituted with an alpha-linked iduronic acid (IdoUA) at the C-3 hydroxyl. Transfers sulfate more efficiently to GalNAc residues in -IdoUA-GalNAc-IdoUA- than in -GlcUA-GalNAc-GlcUA-sequences. Has preference for partially desulfated dermatan sulfate. Addition of sulfate to GalNAc may occur immediately after epimerization of GlcUA to IdoUA. GlcUA to IdoUA. Appears to have an important role in the formation of the cerbellar neural network during postnatal brain development.

Gene Name: carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 14
Synonyms: CHST14, ATCS, Dermatan 4 sulfotransferase 1, D4ST-1, D4ST1, Dermatan 4-sulfotransferase 1, HD4ST1, HD4ST, HNK1ST
Target Sequences: Q8NCH0 Q8NCH0

☰ Filters
Proteins (1)
Recombinant (1)
CHST14 (1)
No (1)
GST (1)
Human (1)
Wheat Germ Extract (1)
Purified (1)
CHST14 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human CHST14 stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
69.4 kDa
2 µg/$439
Viewing 1-1 of 1 product results

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Products: Proteins

If you do not find the reagent or information you require, please contact to inquire about additional products in development.


For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).