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BGN / Biglycan


BGN / Biglycan is a small cellular or pericellular matrix proteoglycan that is closely related in structure to two other small proteoglycans, decorin and fibromodulin. The encoded protein and decorin are thought to be the result of a gene duplication. Decorin contains one attached glycosaminoglycan chain, while this protein probably contains two chains. For this reason, this protein is called biglycan. This protein plays a role in assembly of collagen fibrils and muscle regeneration. It interacts with several proteins involved in muscular dystrophy, including alpha-dystroglycan, alpha- and gamma-sarcoglycan and collagen VI, and it is critical for the assembly of the dystrophin-associated protein complex.

Gene Name: biglycan
Synonyms: BGN, Bone/cartilage proteoglycan I, Biglycan, Biglycan proteoglycan, DSPG1, PG-S1, Small leucine-rich protein 1A, PGI, Bone/cartilage proteoglycan-I, SLRR1A
Target Sequences: NM_001711 NP_001702.1 P21810

Publications (2)

Mohawk promotes the maintenance and regeneration of the outer annulus fibrosus of intervertebral discs. Nakamichi R, Ito Y, Inui M, Onizuka N, Kayama T, Kataoka K, Suzuki H, Mori M, Inagawa M, Ichinose S, Lotz MK, Sakai D, Masuda K, Ozaki T, Asahara H. Nature communications. 2016 7:12503. (IHC, WB, ELISA; Human) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:27527664] [PMC:PMC4990710]
Airn Regulates Igf2bp2 Translation in Cardiomyocytes. Hosen MR, Militello G, Weirick T, Ponomareva Y, Dassanayaka S, Moore JB 4th, Döring C, Wysoczynski M, Jones SP, Dimmeler S, Uchida S. Circulation research. 2018 May;122:1347-1353. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:29483092] [PMC:PMC5948151]

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).