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ataxia telangiectasia mutated

Serine/threonine protein kinase which activates checkpoint signaling upon double strand breaks (DSBs), apoptosis and genotoxic stresses such as ionizing ultraviolet A light (UVA), thereby acting as a DNA damage sensor. Recognizes the substrate consensus sequence [ST]-Q. Phosphorylates 'Ser-139' of histone variant H2AX/H2AFX at double strand breaks (DSBs), thereby regulating DNA damage response mechanism. Also plays a role in pre-B cell allelic exclusion, a process leading to expression of a single immunoglobulin heavy chain allele to enforce clonality and monospecific recognition by the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) expressed on individual B-lymphocytes. After the introduction of DNA breaks by the RAG complex on one immunoglobulin allele, acts by mediating a repositioning of the second allele to pericentromeric heterochromatin, preventing accessibility to the RAG complex and recombination of the second allele. Also involved in signal transduction and cell cycle control. May function as a tumor suppressor. Necessary for activation of ABL1 and SAPK. Phosphorylates DYRK2, CHEK2, p53/TP53, FANCD2, NFKBIA, BRCA1, CTIP, nibrin (NBN), TERF1, RAD9 and DCLRE1C. May play a role in vesicle and/or protein transport. Could play a role in T-cell development, gonad and neurological function. Plays a role in replication-dependent histone mRNA degradation. Binds DNA ends. Phosphorylation of DYRK2 in nucleus in response to genotoxic stress prevents its MDM2-mediated ubiquitination and subsequent proteasome degradation. Phosphorylates ATF2 which stimulates its function in DNA damage response.

Gene Name: ataxia telangiectasia mutated
Family/Subfamily: Protein Kinase , PI3/PI4
Synonyms: ATM, A-T mutated, ATA, ATC, ATD, ATE, AT mutated, Ataxia telangiectasia, ATDC, Serine-protein kinase ATM, AT1, Ataxia telangiectasia mutated, TEL1, TELO1
Target Sequences: NM_000051 NP_000042.3 Q13315

Publications (66)

Requirement of ATM-dependent phosphorylation of brca1 in the DNA damage response to double-strand breaks. Cortez D, Wang Y, Qin J, Elledge SJ. Science (New York, N.Y.). 1999 286:1162-6. (WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:10550055]
BASC, a super complex of BRCA1-associated proteins involved in the recognition and repair of aberrant DNA structures. Wang Y, Cortez D, Yazdi P, Neff N, Elledge SJ, Qin J. Genes & development. 2000 14:927-39. (ICC, IHC, WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:10783165] [PMC:PMC316544]
Elevated DNA double strand breaks and apoptosis in the CNS of scid mutant mice. Vemuri MC, Schiller E, Naegele JR. Cell death and differentiation. 2001 8:245-55. [PubMed:11319607]
UV-induced hyperphosphorylation of replication protein a depends on DNA replication and expression of ATM protein. Oakley GG, Loberg LI, Yao J, Risinger MA, Yunker RL, Zernik-Kobak M, Khanna KK, Lavin MF, Carty MP, Dixon K. Molecular biology of the cell. 2001 12:1199-213. (WB; Human) [PubMed:11359916] [PMC:PMC34578]
Adenovirus oncoproteins inactivate the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 DNA repair complex. Stracker TH, Carson CT, Weitzman MD. Nature. 2002 418:348-52. [PubMed:12124628]
ATR regulates fragile site stability. Casper AM, Nghiem P, Arlt MF, Glover TW. Cell. 2002 111:779-89. (WB; Human) [PubMed:12526805]
Chk1 regulates the S phase checkpoint by coupling the physiological turnover and ionizing radiation-induced accelerated proteolysis of Cdc25A. Srensen CS, Syljusen RG, Falck J, Schroeder T, Rnnstrand L, Khanna KK, Zhou BB, Bartek J, Lukas J. Cancer cell. 2003 3:247-58. (IP; Human) [PubMed:12676583]
Caffeine inhibits checkpoint responses without inhibiting the ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) protein kinases. Cortez D. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 278:37139-45. (WB; Human) [PubMed:12847089]
Disappearance of the telomere dysfunction-induced stress response in fully senescent cells. Bakkenist CJ, Drissi R, Wu J, Kastan MB, Dome JS. Cancer research. 2004 64:3748-52. [PubMed:15172978]
Independent roles for nibrin and Mre11-Rad50 in the activation and function of Atm. Cerosaletti K, Concannon P. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2004 279:38813-9. (ICC, WB; Human) [PubMed:15234984]
Immunoassay to measure ataxia-telangiectasia mutated protein in cellular lysates. Butch AW, Chun HH, Nahas SA, Gatti RA. Clinical chemistry. 2004 50:2302-8. (Human) [PubMed:15486025]
Deficiency in the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase causes down-regulation of ATM. Peng Y, Woods RG, Beamish H, Ye R, Lees-Miller SP, Lavin MF, Bedford JS. Cancer research. 2005 65:1670-7. [PubMed:15753361]
Adenovirus-mediated hepatic overexpression of scavenger receptor class B type I accelerates chylomicron metabolism in C57BL/6J mice. Out R, Hoekstra M, de Jager SC, de Vos P, van der Westhuyzen DR, Webb NR, Van Eck M, Biessen EA, Van Berkel TJ. Journal of lipid research. 2005 46:1172-81. (WB; Mouse) [PubMed:15772431]
DNA repair proteins affect the lifecycle of herpes simplex virus 1. Lilley CE, Carson CT, Muotri AR, Gage FH, Weitzman MD. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 102:5844-9. (WB; Human) [PubMed:15824307] [PMC:PMC556126]
ATM activation in normal human tissues and testicular cancer. Bartkova J, Bakkenist CJ, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Skakkebaek NE, Sehested M, Lukas J, Kastan MB, Bartek J. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 2005 4:838-45. [PubMed:15846060]
Hepatic SR-BI-mediated cholesteryl ester selective uptake occurs with unaltered efficiency in the absence of cellular energy. Harder CJ, Vassiliou G, McBride HM, McPherson R. Journal of lipid research. 2006 47:492-503. [PubMed:16339112]
Effects of hepatic expression of the high-density lipoprotein receptor SR-BI on lipoprotein metabolism and female fertility. Yesilaltay A, Morales MG, Amigo L, Zanlungo S, Rigotti A, Karackattu SL, Donahee MH, Kozarsky KF, Krieger M. Endocrinology. 2006 147:1577-88. [PubMed:16410302]
Rapid activation of ATR by ionizing radiation requires ATM and Mre11. Myers JS, Cortez D. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 281:9346-50. [PubMed:16431910] [PMC:PMC1821075]
Senescence of human fibroblasts after psoralen photoactivation is mediated by ATR kinase and persistent DNA damage foci at telomeres. Hovest MG, Brggenolte N, Hosseini KS, Krieg T, Herrmann G. Molecular biology of the cell. 2006 17:1758-67. [PubMed:16436511] [PMC:PMC1415309]
Haploinsufficiency of the Mus81-Eme1 endonuclease activates the intra-S-phase and G2/M checkpoints and promotes rereplication in human cells. Hiyama T, Katsura M, Yoshihara T, Ishida M, Kinomura A, Tonda T, Asahara T, Miyagawa K. Nucleic acids research. 2006 34:880-92. [PubMed:16456034] [PMC:PMC1360746]
ATM regulates ATR chromatin loading in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Cuadrado M, Martinez-Pastor B, Murga M, Toledo LI, Gutierrez-Martinez P, Lopez E, Fernandez-Capetillo O. The Journal of experimental medicine. 2006 203:297-303. [PubMed:16461339] [PMC:PMC2118201]
Human cytomegalovirus inhibits a DNA damage response by mislocalizing checkpoint proteins. Gaspar M, Shenk T. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006 103:2821-6. [PubMed:16477038] [PMC:PMC1413835]
Active role for nibrin in the kinetics of atm activation. Cerosaletti K, Wright J, Concannon P. Molecular and cellular biology. 2006 26:1691-9. [PubMed:16478990] [PMC:PMC1430256]
Promyelocytic leukemia activates Chk2 by mediating Chk2 autophosphorylation. Yang S, Jeong JH, Brown AL, Lee CH, Pandolfi PP, Chung JH, Kim MK. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 281:26645-54. [PubMed:16835227]
DDB1 maintains genome integrity through regulation of Cdt1. Lovejoy CA, Lock K, Yenamandra A, Cortez D. Molecular and cellular biology. 2006 26:7977-90. [PubMed:16940174] [PMC:PMC1636754]
Silencing of p29 affects DNA damage responses with UV irradiation. Chu PC, Yang YC, Lu YT, Chen HT, Yu LC, Chang MS. Cancer research. 2006 66:8484-91. [PubMed:16951160]
Human cytomegalovirus disrupts both ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM)- and ATM-Rad3-related kinase-mediated DNA damage responses during lytic infection. Luo MH, Rosenke K, Czornak K, Fortunato EA. Journal of virology. 2007 81:1934-50. [PubMed:17151099] [PMC:PMC1797560]
The Mre11 complex mediates the S-phase checkpoint through an interaction with replication protein A. Olson E, Nievera CJ, Liu E, Lee AY, Chen L, Wu X. Molecular and cellular biology. 2007 27:6053-67. [PubMed:17591703] [PMC:PMC1952149]
Intrinsic mitochondrial dysfunction in ATM-deficient lymphoblastoid cells. Ambrose M, Goldstine JV, Gatti RA. Human molecular genetics. 2007 16:2154-64. [PubMed:17606465]
Reconstitution of a human ATR-mediated checkpoint response to damaged DNA. Choi JH, Lindsey-Boltz LA, Sancar A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 104:13301-6. [PubMed:17686975] [PMC:PMC1941640]
ATM, the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, and topoisomerase I are concentrated in the nucleus of Purkinje neurons in the juvenile human brain. Gorodetsky E, Calkins S, Ahn J, Brooks PJ. DNA repair. 2007 6:1698-707. (ICC) [PubMed:17706468] [PMC:PMC2797317]
Macrophage expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha reduces atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice. Babaev VR, Ishiguro H, Ding L, Yancey PG, Dove DE, Kovacs WJ, Semenkovich CF, Fazio S, Linton MF. Circulation. 2007 116:1404-12. [PubMed:17724261]
Regulation of phosphoglucose isomerase/autocrine motility factor activities by the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family-14. Yanagawa T, Funasaka T, Tsutsumi S, Hu H, Watanabe H, Raz A. Cancer research. 2007 67:8682-9. [PubMed:17875708]
Global chromatin compaction limits the strength of the DNA damage response. Murga M, Jaco I, Fan Y, Soria R, Martinez-Pastor B, Cuadrado M, Yang SM, Blasco MA, Skoultchi AI, Fernandez-Capetillo O. The Journal of cell biology. 2007 178:1101-8. [PubMed:17893239] [PMC:PMC2064646]
Ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related and DNA-dependent protein kinase cooperate in G2 checkpoint activation by the DNA strand-breaking nucleoside analogue 2'-C-cyano-2'-deoxy-1-beta-D-arabino-pentofuranosylcytosine. Liu X, Matsuda A, Plunkett W. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2008 7:133-42. [PubMed:18202016]
Foxo3 is essential for the regulation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated and oxidative stress-mediated homeostasis of hematopoietic stem cells. Yalcin S, Zhang X, Luciano JP, Mungamuri SK, Marinkovic D, Vercherat C, Sarkar A, Grisotto M, Taneja R, Ghaffari S. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2008 283:25692-705. [PubMed:18424439]
TopBP1 activates ATR through ATRIP and a PIKK regulatory domain. Mordes DA, Glick GG, Zhao R, Cortez D. Genes & development. 2008 22:1478-89. [PubMed:18519640] [PMC:PMC2418584]
HPV-16 E7 reveals a link between DNA replication stress, fanconi anemia D2 protein, and alternative lengthening of telomere-associated promyelocytic leukemia bodies. Spardy N, Duensing A, Hoskins EE, Wells SI, Duensing S. Cancer research. 2008 68:9954-63. [PubMed:19047177] [PMC:PMC2597390]
Nuclear export of NBN is required for normal cellular responses to radiation. Vissinga CS, Yeo TC, Warren S, Brawley JV, Phillips J, Cerosaletti K, Concannon P. Molecular and cellular biology. 2009 29:1000-6. [PubMed:19075003] [PMC:PMC2643806]
The Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 promotes genomic instability via induction of reactive oxygen species. Gruhne B, Sompallae R, Marescotti D, Kamranvar SA, Gastaldello S, Masucci MG. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009 106:2313-8. [PubMed:19139406] [PMC:PMC2650153]
Rapid flow cytometry-based structural maintenance of chromosomes 1 (SMC1) phosphorylation assay for identification of ataxia-telangiectasia homozygotes and heterozygotes. Nahas SA, Butch AW, Du L, Gatti RA. Clinical chemistry. 2009 55:463-72. [PubMed:19147735] [PMC:PMC2980758]
Circadian oscillation of nucleotide excision repair in mammalian brain. Kang TH, Reardon JT, Kemp M, Sancar A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009 106:2864-7. [PubMed:19164551] [PMC:PMC2629438]
Differential effects of hepatitis C virus JFH1 on human myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Liang H, Russell RS, Yonkers NL, McDonald D, Rodriguez B, Harding CV, Anthony DD. Journal of virology. 2009 83:5693-707. [PubMed:19297478] [PMC:PMC2681964]
Deficiency of the DNA repair enzyme ATM in rheumatoid arthritis. Shao L, Fujii H, Colmegna I, Oishi H, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM. The Journal of experimental medicine. 2009 206:1435-49. [PubMed:19451263] [PMC:PMC2715066]
Pharmacological inhibition of ABCA1 degradation increases HDL biogenesis and exhibits antiatherogenesis. Arakawa R, Tsujita M, Iwamoto N, Ito-Ohsumi C, Lu R, Wu CA, Shimizu K, Aotsuka T, Kanazawa H, Abe-Dohmae S, Yokoyama S. Journal of lipid research. 2009 50:2299-305. [PubMed:19458386] [PMC:PMC2759836]
MLL associates with telomeres and regulates telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcription. Caslini C, Connelly JA, Serna A, Broccoli D, Hess JL. Molecular and cellular biology. 2009 29:4519-26. [PubMed:19528237] [PMC:PMC2725733]
Ionizing radiation induces ataxia telangiectasia mutated-dependent checkpoint signaling and G(2) but not G(1) cell cycle arrest in pluripotent human embryonic stem cells. Momcilovi O, Choi S, Varum S, Bakkenist C, Schatten G, Navara C. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio). 2009 27:1822-35. (WB) [PubMed:19544417] [PMC:PMC3340923]
p27Kip1 stabilization is essential for the maintenance of cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. Cuadrado M, Gutierrez-Martinez P, Swat A, Nebreda AR, Fernandez-Capetillo O. Cancer research. 2009 69:8726-32. [PubMed:19843869] [PMC:PMC3594702]
Overall Cdk activity modulates the DNA damage response in mammalian cells. Cerqueira A, Santamara D, Martnez-Pastor B, Cuadrado M, Fernndez-Capetillo O, Barbacid M. The Journal of cell biology. 2009 187:773-80. [PubMed:19995934] [PMC:PMC2806328]
ATM is down-regulated by N-Myc-regulated microRNA-421. Hu H, Du L, Nagabayashi G, Seeger RC, Gatti RA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 107:1506-11. (WB, ELISA; Human) [PubMed:20080624] [PMC:PMC2824372]
Myc is required for activation of the ATM-dependent checkpoints in response to DNA damage. Guerra L, Albihn A, Tronnersj S, Yan Q, Guidi R, Stenerlw B, Sterzenbach T, Josenhans C, Fox JG, Schauer DB, Thelestam M, Larsson LG, Henriksson M, Frisan T. PloS one. 2010 5:e8924. (WB; Mouse, Rat) [PubMed:20111719] [PMC:PMC2811743]
ATM-mediated NuSAP phosphorylation induces mitotic arrest. Xie P, Li L, Xing G, Tian C, Yin Y, He F, Zhang L. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2011 404:413-8. [PubMed:21130744]
Inactivation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated gene can increase intracellular reactive oxygen species levels and alter radiation-induced cell death pathways in human glioma cells. Wang SC, Wu CC, Wei YY, Hong JH, Chiang CS. International journal of radiation biology. 2011 87:432-42. (Flo; Human) [PubMed:21204616]
Cell cycle control and DNA damage response of conditionally immortalized urothelial cells. Dixon BP, Henry J, Siroky BJ, Chu A, Groen PA, Bissler JJ. PloS one. 2011 6:e16595. (WB; Mouse) [PubMed:21305048] [PMC:PMC3030598]
Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide dramatically enhances AMO-mediated ATM aberrant splicing correction and enables delivery to brain and cerebellum. Du L, Kayali R, Bertoni C, Fike F, Hu H, Iversen PL, Gatti RA. Human molecular genetics. 2011 20:3151-60. (WB; Human) [PubMed:21576124] [PMC:PMC3140820]
Enhancement of non-homologous end joining DNA repair capacity confers cancer cells resistance to the novel selenophene compound, D-501036. Yang YN, Chou KM, Pan WY, Chen YW, Tsou TC, Yeh SC, Cheung CH, Chen LT, Chang JY. Cancer letters. 2011 309:110-8. (WB; Human) [PubMed:21684680]
Mechanism of T-oligo-induced cell cycle arrest in Mia-PaCa pancreatic cancer cells. Rankin AM, Sarkar S, Faller DV. Journal of cellular physiology. 2012 227:2586-94. [PubMed:21898405] [PMC:PMC3251650]
Underexpression and abnormal localization of ATM products in ataxia telangiectasia patients bearing ATM missense mutations. Jacquemin V, Rieunier G, Jacob S, Bellanger D, d'Enghien CD, Laug A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Stern MH. European journal of human genetics : EJHG. 2012 20:305-12. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:22071889] [PMC:PMC3283185]
Effects of depletion of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase on focus formation and RPA phosphorylation. Someya M, Sakata K, Matsumoto Y, Tauchi H, Kai M, Hareyama M, Fukushima M. Journal of radiation research. 2012 53:250-6. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:22510597]
Nek4 regulates entry into replicative senescence and the response to DNA damage in human fibroblasts. Nguyen CL, Possemato R, Bauerlein EL, Xie A, Scully R, Hahn WC. Molecular and cellular biology. 2012 32:3963-77. (WB; Human) [PubMed:22851694] [PMC:PMC3457524]
Selenoprotein W promotes cell cycle recovery from G2 arrest through the activation of CDC25B. Park YH, Jeon YH, Kim IY. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2012 1823:2217-26. (WB; Mouse) [PubMed:22982242]
Characterization of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in a modeled spaceflight system. Brinley AA, Theriot CA, Nelman-Gonzalez M, Crucian B, Stowe RP, Barrett AD, Pierson DL. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 2013 114:616-24. (Flo; Human) [PubMed:22991253]
Actionable perturbations of damage responses by TCL1/ATM and epigenetic lesions form the basis of T-PLL. Schrader A, Crispatzu G, Oberbeck S, Mayer P, Pützer S, von Jan J, Vasyutina E, Warner K, Weit N, Pflug N, Braun T, Andersson EI, Yadav B, Riabinska A, Maurer B, Ventura Ferreira MS, Beier F, Altmüller J, Lanasa M, Herling CD, Haferlach T, Stilgenbauer S, Hopfinger G, Peifer M, Brümmendorf TH, Nürnberg P, Elenitoba-Johnson KSJ, Zha S, Hallek M, Moriggl R, Reinhardt HC, Stern MH, Mustjoki S, Newrzela S, Frommolt P, Herling M. Nature communications. 2018 February;9:697. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:29449575] [PMC:PMC5814445]
Endocrine disruptor exposure during development increases incidence of uterine fibroids by altering DNA repair in myometrial stem cells. Prusinski Fernung LE, Yang Q, Sakamuro D, Kumari A, Mas A, Al-Hendy A. Biology of reproduction. 2018 October;99:735-748. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:29688260] [PMC:PMC6203880] Related Antibodies: LS-C2763.
JAK Inhibition Prevents DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Testicular Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Modulation of the ATM/ATR/Chk Pathway. Farah Khashab, Farah Al-Saleh, Nora Al-Kandari, Fatemah Fadel, May Al-Maghrebi. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021 December;22: [Full Text Article] [PubMed:34948185] [PMC:PMC8706947] Related Antibodies: LS-C353715.
Phospho-DeltaNp63 alpha -dependent microRNAs modulate chemoresistance of squamous cell carcinoma cells to cisplatin: at the crossroads of cell life and death. Ratovitski EA. FEBS letters. 2013 Aug;587:2536-41. [Full Text Article] [PubMed:23831023] Related Antibodies: LS-B491.

☰ Filters
Proteins (4)
Recombinant (4)
ATM (4)
No (4)
GST (1)
GST, N-terminus (1)
His-GST-S (1)
His-T7 (1)
Human (3)
Mouse (1)
E. coli (2)
Wheat Germ Extract (2)
Purified (1)
ATM Protein - Recombinant  Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
60.2 kDa
10 µg/$279; 50 µg/$432; 100 µg/$690; 200 µg/$862; 1 mg/$1,962; 500 µg/$1,505; 5 mg/$3,011; 2 mg/$2,148
ATM Protein - Recombinant  Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
33.9 kDa
10 µg/$285; 50 µg/$470; 100 µg/$750; 200 µg/$937; 1 mg/$2,063; 500 µg/$1,594; 5 mg/$3,277; 2 mg/$2,252
ATM Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.
Wheat Germ Extract
GST, N-terminus
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
ATM Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human ATM stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
40.81 kDa
2 µg/$439
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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).