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ANK1 / Ankyrin

ankyrin 1, erythrocytic

Ankyrins are a family of proteins that link the integral membrane proteins to the underlying spectrin-actin cytoskeleton and play key roles in activities such as cell motility, activation, proliferation, contact and the maintenance of specialized membrane domains. Multiple isoforms of ankyrin with different affinities for various target proteins are expressed in a tissue-specific, developmentally regulated manner. Most ankyrins are typically composed of three structural domains: an amino-terminal domain containing multiple ankyrin repeats; a central region with a highly conserved spectrin binding domain; and a carboxy-terminal regulatory domain which is the least conserved and subject to variation. Ankyrin 1, the prototype of this family, was first discovered in the erythrocytes, but since has also been found in brain and muscles. Mutations in erythrocytic ankyrin 1 have been associated in approximately half of all patients with hereditary spherocytosis. Complex patterns of alternative splicing in the regulatory domain, giving rise to different isoforms of ankyrin 1 have been described. Truncated muscle-specific isoforms of ankyrin 1 resulting from usage of an alternate promoter have also been identified.

Gene Name: ankyrin 1, erythrocytic
Synonyms: ANK1, ANK-1, Ankyrin-1, Ankyrin-R, Erythrocyte ankyrin, ANK, Ankyrin, Ankyrin 1, erythrocytic, SPH2, SPH1
Target Sequences: NM_020476 NP_065209.2 P16157

☰ Filters
Proteins (2)
Recombinant (2)
ANK1 / Ankyrin (2)
No (2)
GST (1)
His-T7 (1)
Human (2)
E. coli (1)
Wheat Germ Extract (1)
Purified (1)
ANK1 / Ankyrin Protein - Recombinant  Ankyrin 1, Erythrocytic By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
40.5 kDa
10 µg/$278; 50 µg/$422; 100 µg/$672; 200 µg/$842; 1 mg/$1,934; 500 µg/$1,480; 5 mg/$2,941; 2 mg/$2,119
ANK1 / Ankyrin Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human ANK1 stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
42.79 kDa
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
Viewing 1-2 of 2 product results

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Products: Proteins

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).