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Catalog Number Size Price
LS-J1073-1 1 Each $210 
Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Human Breast Carcinoma: Ki67 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Quick Kit with DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin (blue) counterstain.
Product - Rat Intestine: Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit (Rat Adsorbed), DAB (brown) Substrate Kit. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Small Bowel: Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown), Hematoxylin QS (blue).
Product - Rat Spleen: Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit (Rat Adsorbed), DAB (brown) Substrate Kit. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast: p53 (rp), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast: Estrogen Receptor (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast: CD34 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Progesterone Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Progesterone Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Lymph Node (double label): Ki67 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ Substrate (red); Multi-cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); Multi-Cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red).
Product - Tonsil: Bcl-2 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Tonsil: CD8 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Small Bowel: CD10 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Tonsil (double label): CD3 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Ki67 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent, Vector® DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Small Bowel (double label): Peripherin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, Vector® NovaRED® (red) substrate. Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB/Ni (black) substrate.
Product - Small Intestine (double label): ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig using CD10 primary antibody with DAB/Ni (black) substrate, and ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig using Cytokeratin 20 primary antibody with Vector® NovaRED® (red) substrate. No counterstain.
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB substrate (brown); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Colon (double label): M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red).
Product - Tumor: Cytokeratin 18 (sheep), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit for Sheep IgG, Vector® DAB (brown), Vector® Methyl Green counterstain (green).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Ki67 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB substrate (brown); CD34 (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (triple label): Estrogen Receptor (m); VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Paraffin embedded human prostate tissue stained using rabbit anti-prostate specific antigen labeled with the ProtOn Biotin Labeling Kit and detected with VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Reagent and Vector® DAB substrate.
Product - Tonsil (triple label): T cells (brown, Vector® DAB), epithelium (purple, Vector® VIP), B cells (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): ki67 (brown, Vector® DAB). Endothelium (purple, Vector® VIP).
Product - Intestine (double label): Desmin (brown, ImmPACT™ DAB). Cytokeratin (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Tumor tissue section showing specific cytoplasmic cell staining (brown, Vector® DAB) with Vector® Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Mouse, Newborn (tongue, double label): Synapsin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Desmin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Pancreas (double label): Beta cells (blue, Vector® Blue), Alpha cells (brown, Vector® DAB).
Product - Mouse, Newborn (eye, double label): GFAP (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Synapsin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black). Note contrast with endogenous pigment (brown) seen in surrounding tissues.
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Small Bowel: Ki67 antigen stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: p53 protein stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: c-erbB2 oncoprotein stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: Estrogen receptor stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: CD34 antigen stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Small Bowel (double label): CD45 (m); VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black); Epithelial Specific Antigen (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Epithelium: Proliferating cells (brown, DAB), endothelial cells (blue, Vector Blue™ substrate), epithelial cells (red, Vector Red™ Substrate).
Product - Tonsil (triple label): CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB (brown); CD20 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® VIP substrate (purple); Multi-cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Kidney (double label): CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB + Ni substrate (gray/black); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB.
Product - Tonsil triple stained using the VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit: T cells (brown, DAB), B cells (purple, Vector® VIP), epithelium (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Tonsil (double label): CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); CD20 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (triple label): Estrogen Receptor (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Human Breast Carcinoma: Ki67 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Quick Kit with DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin (blue) counterstain.
Product - Rat Intestine: Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit (Rat Adsorbed), DAB (brown) Substrate Kit. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Small Bowel: Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown), Hematoxylin QS (blue).
Product - Rat Spleen: Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit (Rat Adsorbed), DAB (brown) Substrate Kit. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast: p53 (rp), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast: Estrogen Receptor (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast: CD34 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Progesterone Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Progesterone Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Lymph Node (double label): Ki67 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ Substrate (red); Multi-cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); Multi-Cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red).
Product - Tonsil: Bcl-2 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Tonsil: CD8 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Small Bowel: CD10 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB Substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Tonsil (double label): CD3 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Ki67 (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent, Vector® DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Small Bowel (double label): Peripherin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, Vector® NovaRED® (red) substrate. Desmin (m), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig Kit, DAB/Ni (black) substrate.
Product - Small Intestine (double label): ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig using CD10 primary antibody with DAB/Ni (black) substrate, and ImmPRESS™ Anti-Mouse Ig using Cytokeratin 20 primary antibody with Vector® NovaRED® (red) substrate. No counterstain.
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB substrate (brown); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Colon (double label): M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red).
Product - Tumor: Cytokeratin 18 (sheep), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit for Sheep IgG, Vector® DAB (brown), Vector® Methyl Green counterstain (green).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); M2A Antigen (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): Ki67 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, DAB substrate (brown); CD34 (m), ImmPRESS™ Universal Reagent, Vector® VIP substrate (purple).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (triple label): Estrogen Receptor (m); VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Paraffin embedded human prostate tissue stained using rabbit anti-prostate specific antigen labeled with the ProtOn Biotin Labeling Kit and detected with VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Reagent and Vector® DAB substrate.
Product - Tonsil (triple label): T cells (brown, Vector® DAB), epithelium (purple, Vector® VIP), B cells (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (double label): ki67 (brown, Vector® DAB). Endothelium (purple, Vector® VIP).
Product - Intestine (double label): Desmin (brown, ImmPACT™ DAB). Cytokeratin (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Tumor tissue section showing specific cytoplasmic cell staining (brown, Vector® DAB) with Vector® Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Mouse, Newborn (tongue, double label): Synapsin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Desmin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black).
Product - Pancreas (double label): Beta cells (blue, Vector® Blue), Alpha cells (brown, Vector® DAB).
Product - Mouse, Newborn (eye, double label): GFAP (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); Synapsin (m), M.O.M.™ Peroxidase Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black). Note contrast with endogenous pigment (brown) seen in surrounding tissues.
Product - Breast Carcinoma: Estrogen Receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Universal Antibody Kit, DAB substrate Kit (brown). Hematoxylin QS counterstain (blue).
Product - Small Bowel: Ki67 antigen stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: p53 protein stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: c-erbB2 oncoprotein stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: Estrogen receptor stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Breast Cancer: CD34 antigen stained using VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit and Vector® DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Product - Small Bowel (double label): CD45 (m); VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB+Ni substrate (gray/black); Epithelial Specific Antigen (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Product - Epithelium: Proliferating cells (brown, DAB), endothelial cells (blue, Vector Blue™ substrate), epithelial cells (red, Vector Red™ Substrate).
Product - Tonsil (triple label): CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB (brown); CD20 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® VIP substrate (purple); Multi-cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Kidney (double label): CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB + Ni substrate (gray/black); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB.
Product - Tonsil triple stained using the VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit: T cells (brown, DAB), B cells (purple, Vector® VIP), epithelium (blue/gray, Vector® SG).
Product - Tonsil (double label): CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown); CD20 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG substrate (blue/gray).
Product - Breast Carcinoma (triple label): Estrogen Receptor (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® NovaRED® substrate (red); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
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DAB Peroxidase (HRP) Substrate Kit (with Nickel), 3,3’-diaminobenzidine - LS-J1073

DAB Peroxidase (HRP) Substrate Kit (with Nickel), 3,3’-diaminobenzidine - LS-J1073

This substrate produces a brown chromogen precipitant in the presence of peroxidase enzyme. Suitable for brightfield visualization in IHC, ICC, and ISH, as well as various blotting applications. Sufficient to produce 300 ml of working solution.
Catalog Number

Available for USA Shipment Only
Toll Free North America
For Research Use Only


This substrate produces a brown chromogen precipitant in the presence of peroxidase enzyme. Suitable for brightfield visualization in IHC, ICC, and ISH, as well as various blotting applications. Sufficient to produce 300 ml of working solution.


LSBio is a proud distributor of Vector Laboratories products

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Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).


Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).



Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).


Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).



Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).


Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).



Product - Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).
Endometrium (double label): Progesterone Receptor (rm), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Blue™ substrate (blue); CD34 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown).


Product - Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Breast Carcinoma: With Citrate-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Estrogen receptor (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
Lymph Node: With pH 9.0 Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS™ Anti-Rabbit Ig Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.


Product - Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).
Tonsil (double label): Cyclin A (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal ABC-AP Kit, Vector Red™ substrate (red); CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Universal Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB substrate (brown).

Request SDS/MSDS

To request an SDS/MSDS form for this product, please contact our Technical Support department at: